...there's a dragon in my soul...
...looking out my eyes...
...speaking with my voice...
...burying my cries...
...he drives away my friends...
...locks me in my head...
...and if I were to kill him...
...we would both be dead...


A silver and yellow Care Bear with a Dragon on his belly

Monday, January 15, 2007

Naming the dragon...

I was raised as a strict, fundamentalist christian. Being myself, I rebelled.... all the way to other end of the spectrum. I suppose I could be called pagan, but that's a rather vague term. I disbelieve all dogma, but like to pull philosophy and bits from all over.

One thing that I clearly identified with was the idea of Otherkin. This is the idea that you are a human with the spirit of something else. I've heard of fairies, animals, angels, demons, mythological creatures...

In my case, it was a dragon. I was convinced that I was the reicarnation of a dragon. I believed it so much I had a dream about a dragon and I completely bought into it. What were my draconic traits? Hoarding, stubborness, volatile temper, not relating to "humans".... sound familiar to anyone?

Having seen similar traits in my father, I concluded he was also a dragon.

I have accepted that I am autistic. Whether I am a dragon or that was just a coping mechanism... that will take a lot longer to work out. I've talked with other "dragons" and otherkin of many sorts. The ones I know well, are certianly not neurotypical.

I was recently approached by an old friend who want some advice on "new memories" they'd gained. They now think they are part fae. Mind you this revelation came through while they were high. It shook me a bit. How many people come to these conclusions on such a basis? What did I base my own "dragon-ness" on? I don't remember exactly how it started.

I named that part of me, the Dragon. Her name came to me in that dream. Eth'Nora. Mind you, I've always had fairly vivid dreams. Many of my stories come from them.

I believe that everyone has a spiritual self. And even buying into the otherkin idea, I have been convinced that you are what you decide to be. So I think that this conflict will be dealt with by faith. I am autistic and There's a Dragon in My Soul...

Party on folks...

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