...there's a dragon in my soul...
...looking out my eyes...
...speaking with my voice...
...burying my cries...
...he drives away my friends...
...locks me in my head...
...and if I were to kill him...
...we would both be dead...


A silver and yellow Care Bear with a Dragon on his belly

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Think As I Say, Not As I Do

Blogging Against Disabalism Day!

As an early education teacher we are trained not to discrimnate, use buzz words, or in any way make disabled children feel bad or different. We teach them that anyone can do anything. We should accept children with physical, mental, and any other kind of disability, even if tehy don't give us teh staff or equipment to handle it. Fine, that thought is all well and good.

But even mention to them that you are spasming or convulsing, much less mention the word "seizure" and watch the situation turn. God forbid we as teachers have any impairment. God forbod they make any concessions for us. Even for staff who are supposedly "normal" they have unrealistic expectations. I came in with a 103 fever and had to faint in the classroom to be sent home.

Socially they like me because I am not a gossip. But that's because I don't really talk to many people at work, small talk aside. At first I talked to as few people as possible, so far as offending the owner. When a major issue came up and he was the one to back me up I wrote hima thank you letter. Four and a half years later I've only bonded with 2 co-worker's: the cook, who is entirely inappropriate at times, but very funny and Marta, a 4's teacher. She's leaving this week after 7 yrs. :(

So my social issues are acceptable, but my rare physical problems aren't. That's great. One would think that it would be the other way around. Where's the acceptance of people's differences? The ones I am supposed to teach the children?


Ruth said...

So they pay lip service to "saying the right thing" to the kids- but have difficulty knowing how to interact with you on a peer level as a successful , educated adult with a disability...I've run into this too in my job as a pwd. It's particularly disturbing to hear that educators still struggle with this....

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



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Eriki said...


Anonymous said...

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汽車旅館 日光花園

法拍屋 隔熱紙

台中住宿 墾丁旅遊

整形外科 首頁科技

電波拉皮 歐化廚具

外籍新娘 果凍矽膠

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